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Curriculum – Safety (


NOTE:            Appetites VARY. Therefore, these are general guidelines ONLY.

Seat ALL children at tables that are appropriately sized and CLEAN.

Toddlers (i.e., 17-36 months) need 1/4 to 1/2 of an adult portion.

As they have small stomachs, they may not be able to eat a great deal at any one time. It is better to offer small portions and have the child ask for more than to offer large portions and have the child overeat.

Present foods in bite-sized pieces.

It is better to not make an issue of a child who appears to be a “fussy” eater or who says that he/she does not want to eat at a particular time, even if most/all of the other children are eating.

Do NOT bribe, reward, or punish with food.

Do NOT hurry children when they are eating. Relax and enjoy! Encourage the children to talk and interact during snack and mealtime.

It is a great time for social and language development.

Eat with the children whenever possible.



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