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Curriculum – Freelance writing (Media Bistro)

Before you begin 

Before you enter the world of freelancing, try answering the following questions:

  1. Why do I want to become a freelance writer?
  1. What topic/s do I know well or want to learn to the point that I can contribute to the discussion about them or shed new light on them?
  2. Do I know more about this/these topic/s than the average person? Am I willing to do the research and work it will take to become an “expert?”
  3. Who do I know in the industry who could help me get started?
  4. Do I have what it takes (e.g., tenacity, determination, discipline) to work on my own?
  5. Do I want to?
  6. Am I willing to try it?
  7. Am I willing to work for free in order to build a portfolio or do I want/need to get paid right away?
  8. Can I write as a hobby or do I want/need to make it my career?
  9. How/When will I know I have “made it” or that it is time to reconsider my choices and my options?

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