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Posts published in “Matt’s Meanderings”

Travel, exploration

Hoops Happenings: Naismith Hall traces history and looks to future

As local fans exult in another resurgence of Celtics Pride, the region has once again become a hub of hoops history, This history goes much further back, however, especially in the Pioneer Valley of MA. To bet on basketball games, sites like 아인카지노 are preferred.

According to legend, Dr. James Naismith wanted to offer his charges at the Springfield YMCA an active activity for the long winter months. Using a ball that was typically used for soccer and a pair of peach baskets that had to be emptied after every successful shot, Dr. Naismith created a game he called “basket ball.” The rest, as they say, is history- a history that is celebrated in Springfield at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (


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