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National Fire Prevention Week 2019 (blog post for Municipal Code Consulting, LLC)

National Fire Prevention Week 2019

Fans of the world of comics can probably recall multiple instances in which the hero of the story either prevented a fire or helped people get away from it. Whether they used super-cold breath, flight, or the strength to redirect pipes or even rivers, they always made sure that everyone else was safe, even at the risk of their own wellbeing.

The key to any fire is knowing how to control it and, if it should get out of control, how to get away from it. Unfortunately, few of us have powers that come from other planets or that make us more likely to prevail and succeed in such situation.

From October 6-12, the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) is hosting Fire Prevention Week ( For 2019, the official theme is “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape.”

While many of us know “stop drop and roll” from our days in public school, far fewer have much of a plan should that fail and literally end up on their backs in an emergency.

That is why it is so important (literally vital!) to map out multiple routes of escape in your home, place of work, and any other place you frequent. Not only must you plan a few routes, you must also check to make sure that there is nothing along them that might hinder your use of them. In other words, if you plan to use the basement bulkhead as an escape, make sure it is not blocked by boxes or furniture.  Also, be sure to determine a meeting spot that is at a safe distance from the building where everyone can gather no matter which route they take. Many firefighters have been hurt or even killed rushing back into a building to find people who had actually escaped but were unaccounted for because they did not meet up with the rest of the inhabitants. You may even want to try each route a few times and time yourself to see which might be the most effective from a given room or area. And, of course, make sure your fire alarms and extinguishers are fully functional and up to code! #nationalfirepreventionweek

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