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The Robinson Reporter

Principles for Success – Ray Dalio (Avid Reader/Simon & Schuster)

In these times of tumult when we are all being thrown for loops on a daily basis, many of us are seeking advice from those who have gone before us, faced challenges, and emerged stronger.

As the founder, co-Chief Investment Officer and co-Chairman of the world’s largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio has certainly succeeded. What makes his story so relatable and educative, however, is the fact that he succeeded, lost, and succeeded again and that he is humble and forthright enough to admit to hi s failings as a way to instruct and advise others.

In his book, Principles for Success (proceeds from which are given to charity), Dalio explains through simple language and images the lessons he learned along his own path and how they can be used to help anyone and everyone design their own paths. In fact, one of his main points is that, while the general principles he discusses an work for all, each individual has to find and follow their own path in order to truly succeed. Therefore, whether you are a banker or a burger flipper, an entrepreneur or an employee, these hard-won lessons can help you direct and improve your life no matter what it is looking like now.


Though this book has been out for some time (and has a great website to accompany it at, it may be more timely than ever.


– Matt Robinson