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Chabon Returns to the Scene of the Crime

Awesome Man: The mystery intruder– Michael Chabon

Harper Collins Children’s


Following on the rapidly-accelerating heels of Brad Meltzer, comic-minded author Michael Chabon (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay) has finally seen fit to reunite with his illustrative sidekick Jake Parker and  release a sequel to his 2011 The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man.

In his latest episode, Awesome Man must prepare to deal with the possibility of not being the only hero in town (and perhaps even being considered the #2 most awesome her around). Working through the stages of denial and finally achieving acceptance, Awesome Man eventually comes to terms with the idea and even begins to see ways in which he can mentor the new hero.

In addition to being a charming take on the hero comic, this is a great book for soon-to-be older siblings who need perspective on how to deal with the new ds in town. It may not win the Pulitzer, but it will surely win a lot of hearts!


– Matt Robinson

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