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The Karate Kid (Quirk)

While there are few better ways to connect with your children than sharing a favorite film on the streaming platform of your choice, as school is (allegedly) about to begin, maybe it’s time to pick up a book once in a while?

Fortunately, the pop culture fans at Quirk Books have just the ticket! An entire series of beautifully-illustrated text adaptations of some of your favorite shows and movies, including this one that I shared with my seven-year-old kung-fu student.

While it may not have the icky kissing in the shower curtain scene and does not encourage readers to “sweep the leg,”, the book maintains most of the great moments of the movie, including catching a fly with chopsticks, winning the respect of the Cobra Kai, and, of course, “Wax on. Wax off.” For us, it served as a great introduction to the film but stands up well on its own (even if only on one leg!).

So if you want to sneak a little literature on the kids or just revisit a favorite classic without screen time, this set of books (which also includes E.T., Back to the Future, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) should put you in good stead on a school night or any night!


– Matt Robinson

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