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Drey in a GOOD way ;)

Puzzle Tov!

By Peter Weisz

(Gefen Publishing)

We may all be familiar with the puzzling premise that two Jews somehow produce three opinions amongst them, but if you happen to meet a person who tells you they have three children and that, if you multiply their ages together, you get “double chai” (i.e., 36), can you tell which one is the doctor?

Such are the kosher conundrums in Palm Beach puzzle-master Peter Weisz’s Puzzle Tov, And while some may drey your kop, Weisz wisely offers a Magen David rating system that ranges from one star (“easy peasy”) to five (“maven” level). There are even visually-enhanced queries like a challenge to come up with the original names of some of your favorite Jewish stars.

So the next time you want to challenge yourself in a kosher way, pick up this PJ Library-recommended book. It will surely make you a bisel klug.

 – Matt Robinson

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