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Curriculum – Recycling (Andover School of Montessori)

The following program was designed for The Andover School of Montessori in Andover, MA:

Recycling Committee Presentation

The Upper Elementary Recycling Committee is made up of a group of students who dedicate time and effort each week to improving and expanding the recycling program at Andover School of Montessori. Though the recycling program has proven to be very useful and effective (you can try here to implement their methods of waste management in your home too), both in terms of reducing waste in the building and also in allowing students from Children’s House to become involved in an important and educational school project while bonding with older students, the Committee feels that the program could be improved. We are therefore here to present to you our thoughts on the matter.

Our goals are as follows:

  1. To demonstrate the importance of recycling to the school community and the world.

Recycling is important because it helps the earth (Natalie Hochbrunn)

Recycling is important because it allows us to cut down fewer trees and to cut down on pollution (Olivia Gomez)

Recycling is important because it helps to cut down on global warming (Sam Gomez)

  1. To distinguish between items that are recyclable and those that are not.

Plastic, glass, paper, and cardboard are recyclable, but they MUST be separated.

Food is NOT, but may be put in the compost bin.

  1. To encourage ALL members of the ASM community to participate in and support the recycling program (Teachers, this means YOU).


Our plans are as follows:

  1. Place posters around the school depicting examples of what can and can not be recycled.
  2. Introduce character mascots for the recycling program (with a special eye toward getting the younger students interested and involved).
  3. Find further means of encouraging recycling, both in the ASM community and outside as well.


We ask for your support and thank you for helping us help save the earth.




UE Student  / CH Partner  – Room Assignment

  1. Timothy / Hairston – Pelletier Staff room
  2. Julia / Guiliana – Mrs. Whitton’s office
  3. Andrew / Elvino – Mr. Murenia’s Office
  4. Natalie / Rajvi – LE 1
  5. Rebecca / Ariana – Nurse’s office
  6. Ciara / Grace – Mrs. Burns’ office
  7. Zachary / Makena – Casey Room kitchen
  8. Tiffany / Isha – CH 3
  9. Simon / Jacob – Mrs. Poirier’s office
  10. Guy / Brian – Mr. Penley’s room
  11. Kylie / Katie – Library
  12. Murray / Eric – Staff mail room
  13. Chad / Noah – Casey Room kitchen
  14. Antonia / Courtney – Mrs. Spollett / American Room



  1. Pick up partner at Children’s House.
  2. Go to assigned room.
  3. Knock on door and ask to be allowed to enter (Tip: Have partner do this).
  4. Pick up recycling bin.
  5. Take bin outside through Casey Room (Tip: Have partner hold doors for you).
  6. Empty bin improper receptacle (Please CLOSE LID when finished).
  7. Return to building through FRONT DOOR (Please WIPE YOUR FEET).
  8. Bring bin back to assigned room.
  9. Bring partner back to Children’s House (Have the WASH HANDS).
  10. Return to UE (WASH HANDS).
  11. Ask next #1 or #2 person to go.


REMEMBER: This is a PRIVILEGE. Please MODEL proper behavior and DO YOUR BEST.


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