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Music Industry Profile – “Under the Rock” with Will McMillan

The following column appeared in SoundCheck, for which Matt served as Managing Editor for three years:

Matt Robinson’s “Under the Rock”

Name: Will McMillan  

Position: Performer/Producer/PR Director, Cambridge Center for Adult Education

Contact information: CCAE PO Box 9113 Cambridge MA 02238 617-547-6789 x333 or

Quote: Each one of us makes a difference.

What I do is… sing, produce performances, do PR

My advice to others is… perseverance and ‘thank you’ cards go a long way towards building relationships and making things happen.

The best way to approach me is… via email.

My best memory is… packing Scullers twice last year.

My worst memory is…doing advertisements as a child and using my talents as a performer to sell… junk.

My prediction is… continued interest in live performances (especially small venues) to balance out the increased technification of the creative process.

Personal bio: Will McMillan is a singer, songwriter, voice-over and commercial performer and cabaret promoter who has appeared in a number of made-for-TYV movies and at music venues across the country. After spending time in the rock world with bands such as The Adult Children of Heterosexuals, Will recently released a CD of jazz standards and currently devotes his formidable talents to the worlds of jazz and cabaret. His recent show at Scullers Jazz Club sold out and his monthly series of shows at CCAE is also hugely popular.

March is cabaret month, so be sure to try out this other side of the music world!


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