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A Girl Like You – By Frank Murphy and Carla Murphy (Sleeping Bear)

With so many people making claims about who matters (and who else may not), it is more important than ever that all people – perhaps especially young people – have means of discovering and encouraging their own sense of value.

As a parent, educator, and what I would like to think of as a good person and contributor to society, I am glad to see a book like A Girl Like You by Carla and Frank Murphy!

That one writing partner is a nurse and the other an educator is no surprise, as the tone of the book is both instructive and supportive. The Muprhy’s have seen the damage that can befall young people – especially young girls- in today’s society and they want to help bandage the wounds and show them how to walk on stronger and more self-assured. With the help of artist Kayla Harren (who also illustrated Frank Murphy’s equally vital A Boy Like You), the Murphy’s zoom in from the “billions and billions and billions of people in the world” to the cosmic microcosm that is every individual and then do all they can to engage and support that individual at every level possible (and all without references to the Smithereens or even Maroon V!). Calling on brave girls, bold girls, thoughtful girls, and smart girls (which, after all, are all girls) and girls who read, run, recycle, reflect, and remember who they are and the proud tradition from which they come, the book also reminds (or informs) girls that they are radiant, magnificent, and just what the world needs right now.

It is a big message and an important one, but the Murphy’s combine their professional talents and personal passions (among which children apparently top the list!) to deliver another message of support, hope, and love, just when we all need one!


– Matt Robinson

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